January 6, 2019

Donald Trump's grasp of facts and reality have always been tenuous at best. Ironically, Lindsey Graham was more accurate than perhaps he realized when he told the press that the wall was a "metaphor".

Because according to reporting by The New York Times, per Sam Nunberg and Roger Stone, advisers were having difficulty getting the notoriously distracted Trump to focus on "illegal immigration" as a talking point in his campaign rallies, opted to use "the wall" symbolically in a way that made sense to the builder.

As Mr. Trump began exploring a presidential run in 2014, his political advisers landed on the idea of a border wall as a mnemonic device of sorts, a way to make sure their candidate — who hated reading from a script but loved boasting about himself and his talents as a builder — would remember to talk about getting tough on immigration, which was to be a signature issue in his nascent campaign.

“How do we get him to continue to talk about immigration?” Sam Nunberg, one of Mr. Trump’s early political advisers, recalled telling Roger J. Stone Jr., another adviser. “We’re going to get him to talk about he’s going to build a wall.”

Talk Mr. Trump did, and the line drew rapturous cheers from conservative audiences, thrilling the candidate and soon becoming a staple of campaign speeches. Chants of “Build the wall!” echoed through arenas throughout the country.

That's right. The government is shut down, babies are in cages at the border, people are dying from neglect....for a MNEMONIC DEVICE.

If there is a better argument for the 25th Amendment solution, I've yet to see it.

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