During a very brief press conference between Trump and Theresa May, Francis Elliot from the UK Times asked if in the trade deal England's nationalized healthcare services would be on the table in the negotiations.
The NHS is considered England's third rail of politics, much like Social Security and Medicare in the US. Of course, NHS covers everyone in Britain, not just seniors.
"Do you agree with your ambassador the entire economy needs to be on the table in the future trade deal including the NHS?"
"I think we're going to have a very great and comprehensive trade deal," Trump said.
(When the reporter brought up the NHS off-camera, Theresa May had to tell Trump what he was asking)
When Trump and his surrogates try to avoid a direct question or don't know what they're talking about, this is their preferred answer.
"Look think everything with the trade deal is on the table. When you're dealing with trade everything is on the table. So NHS or anything else. Everything will be on the table."
Trump faked an answer just like anyone who doesn't do homework: "Everything is on the table," which means nothing at all
How exactly does the UK's national healthcare service become part of a trade deal between the two countries?
UKIP's Nigel Farage and his right-wing stooges have been trying to undermine the UK's healthcare system much like Trump has done in America. Farage was caught lying to the people after the Brexit vote when he admitted on television he couldn't guarantee that money was going to go to the NHS. These promised monies were critical to the Brexit vote.
"The 350 million pounds a week we send to the EU, which we will no longer send to the EU. Can you guarantee that's going to go to the NHS?"
"No, I can’t and I would never have made that claim. That was one of the mistakes that I think the Leave campaign made,” Farage said.
That was a campaign that was plastered on their tour buses, forGod's sake.