September 24, 2019

Our stable genius fantasizes executing Handsome Joe Biden, and calls it a day.

…which is totally how a non-guilty person would react, n’est-ce pas?

Related NYTimes:

“Around the globe, a relentless campaign is targeting journalists because of the fundamental role they play in ensuring a free and informed society,”

“To stop journalists from exposing uncomfortable truths and holding power to account, a growing number of governments have engaged in overt, sometimes violent, efforts to discredit their work and intimidate them into silence.”

”By threatening to prosecute journalists for invented crimes against their country, President Trump gives repressive leaders implicit license to do the same.”

Anyway, House Democrats meet today, and Thursday, Joseph Maguire, the acting director of national intelligence, will testify in open session before the House Intelligence Committee.

Maguire’s answers — or even non-answers — could be impeachment bait. Now, some headlines to see how all of this is playing:

  • Bloomberg: We Need to Talk About Impeachment
  • CNN: Trump is Nixon, but with more chutzpah and less respect
  • Los Angeles Times: If Trump won’t come clean about Ukraine, an impeachment inquiry is the only option
  • NBC News: Trump’s Ukraine call mentioning Biden is the strongest reason yet for impeachment
  • NBC News: The dam could break on impeachment this week
  • WaPo: We’re passing the tipping point on impeachment
  • WaPo: It’s time, Speaker Pelosi
  • WaPo: Trump ordered hold on military aid days before calling Ukrainian president

…and I’m sure that there must be more every hour!

Tiger Beat on the Potomac, er, I mean, Politico:

MORE DETAILS … NOT GOOD FOR THE PRESIDENT — “Trump ordered hold on military aid days before calling Ukrainian president, officials say,” by WaPo’s Karoun Demirjian, Josh Dawsey, Ellen Nakashima and Carol Leonnig: “President Trump told his acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, to hold back almost $400 million in military aid for Ukraine at least a week before a phone call in which Trump is said to have pressured the Ukrainian president to investigate the son of former vice president Joe Biden, according to three senior administration officials.

“Officials at the Office of Management and Budget relayed Trump’s order to the State Department and the Pentagon during an interagency meeting in mid-July, according to officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. They explained that the president had ‘concerns’ and wanted to analyze whether the money needed to be spent.

“Administration officials were instructed to tell lawmakers that the delays were part of an ‘interagency process’ but to give them no additional information — a pattern that continued for nearly two months, until the White House released the funds on the night of Sept. 11.” WaPo

Eiron, the goddess of irony, notes that the Russian Usurper is supposed to meet at the UN with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who was on the other end of the phone call.

Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors

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