Memory is the liberal superpower.
And we remember. In fact, we have video archives to HELP us remember.
Remember when Kevin McCarthy told Sean Hannity (under pressure!) that the Benghazi hearings had as their purpose, bringing down Hillary Clinton's POLL NUMBERS?
Rare kudos to Chris Wallace, for using his own video archives to show that Trey Gowdy used closed-door hearings in the Benghazi "investigations" and insisting in public that such hearings are necessary to any legitimate investigation.
Republicans conveniently forget everything that happened while shoes were on the other foot. For instance, watch Kellyanne Conway sputter as Wallace suggests she remember the past. Conway tried to stick to her talking point that the impeachment hearing is somehow about Democrats undoing an election rather than the corroborating, accumulating evidence that Trump demanded an investigation of his political rival from a foreign country in exchange for military aid already allocated by the Congress.
She tried to argue that, contrary to the Benghazi hearings, her talking points are "important."
Wallace wasn't having it: "The deaths of four Americans wasn't important?"
The only way Kellyanne Conway can win her argument is to forget the past. It's what Republicans do.
Watch for Republicans to go full "Trump Who?" once he's out of office. If we let them get away with that, we'll have another Republican nightmare president in less than a decade. We thought we'd never have a president worse than George W. Bush.
No rebranding of Republicans ever, ever again.