November 24, 2019

Fox's so-called "judge" Jeanine Pirro continues to prove that there's no lie that's too outlandish, or fairy tale that's too ridiculous for the cult that worships Trump. During her opening segment this Saturday, Pirro assured her audience that the impeachment hearings went swimmingly for Republicans once again this week, and went after all of the witnesses who testified, but this revisionist history on Sondland was probably the most egregious from the segment: Fox News Host Jeanine Pirro Says Gordon Sondland's Impeachment Testimony Should Be Disregarded Because of His 'Inappropriate Smirking':

Fox News host Jeanine Pirro has claimed that Gordon Sondland's impeachment testimony should be disregarded because of his "inappropriate smirking."

The U.S. Ambassador to the European Union testified in the House impeachment inquiry this week, stating that there was a "quid pro quo" that linked aid to Ukraine with President Donald Trump's desire for an investigation into his Democratic political rival, former vice president Joe Biden.

But speaking on her show Justice with Judge Jeanine on Saturday, Pirro claimed that Sondland, who was appointed to the ambassador role by President Donald Trump, is a "deep state bureaucrat."

She claimed his testimony should be discounted because his "arrogance" and "inappropriate smirking" indicate that he "is not a fan of the president."

"Everything he said was contradicted by the facts. The aid was delivered. There was no meeting. No call, no announcement of an investigation. No quid pro quo," Pirro claimed.

She added: "His testimony is not only canceled by the facts, but by his demeanor, his arrogance and his inappropriate smirking making it clear he, like many deep state bureaucrats, is not a fan of the president."

But according to USA Today, Sondland was an hotelier who donated at least $1 million to Trump's presidential inaugural committee in 2017—before Trump nominated him as the U.S. ambassador to the European Union last year.

Sondland has described himself as a "lifelong Republican," according to NBC News, and donated to the presidential campaigns of Republican candidates Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush.

As the Newsweek article noted, it appears Pirro is aiding and abetting the Trump lie that he hardly knows Sondland, despite the fact that it's been reported that Sondland and Trump spoke quite often around the time of the now infamous and supposedly "perfect" July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

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