President Donald Trump's unexpected trip to Walter Reed medical center did not follow "routine" protocols for a presidential medical exam, CNN's Jeremy Diamond reported on Sunday.
Trump's Walter Reed Visit Was A 'Non-Routine Visit And Scheduled Last Minute': Report
Credit: Gage Skidmore
November 18, 2019

President Donald Trump's unexpected trip to Walter Reed medical center did not follow "routine" protocols for a presidential medical exam, CNN's Jeremy Diamond reported on Sunday.

A source familiar with Trump's visit to the hospital told Diamond that staff was not notified prior to the president's visit.

President Donald Trump's visit to Walter Reed on Saturday did not follow the protocol of a routine presidential medical exam, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Medical staff at Walter Reed did not get a staff-wide notice about a presidential visit to the medical center in Bethesda, Maryland, ahead of Trump's arrival, according to that source.

During normal circumstances, medical center staff would have received instructions about a "VIP" visit ahead of time.

"That did not happen this time, indicating the visit was a non-routine visit and scheduled last minute," Diamond reported.

A second source also told CNN that the trip to Walter Reed was "abnormal."

The White House is on record insisting that the visit was part of the president's annual "routine" physical exam.

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