June 8, 2021

We're going to assume that anyone with the Fox News Laura Ingraham White Power Hour on their television is either in a coma or lost to reality. Ingraham and many of her colleagues are now making believe that what happened on the infamous day of January 6, was nothing more than people hanging around the US Capitol, exercising their First Amendment rights, and rioting a little.

On Monday evening's Ingraham Angle, the Fox News host claimed that Democrats are trying to control your life by constantly promoting wearing masks against the coronavirus, and refusing to open up the US Capitol.

Ingraham makes believe she's just a dissenter doing her own " independent research " to make sure the government isn't just controlling her life. You know, like hosting Covid deniers, anti-VAXXers and promoting snake oil hydroxychloroquine as a treatment to the coronavirus. And promoting hydroxychloroquine is something Laura Ingraham is STILL doing in June 2021. Really.

But she just asking questions, right?

That's called preserving freedom instead of spreading conspiracy theories in the mind of these propagandists

"They also demand answers to important questions," she said. "When is the Capitol gonna reopen?"

That's an important question in America?

Ingraham continued, "Reopening the people's house. Well reopening to the people. January 6 was over five months ago, but the riot -- it was not an insurrection, gave the Democrats the perfect cover to do what they've always wanted to do. That's shut down the Capitol to the public for good."

I didn't know shutting down the US Capitol was part of the Democratic platform, as important as climate change, and preserving voting rights.

Traitor Trump lost the presidential election seven months ago and he can't stop whining and lying about it at all.

That's all he's got. Meanwhile, the life of every person in Congress is under threat to this day by MAGA cultists because they are continually incited by the traitorous ex-president and the Ingrahams of the world.

Maybe we should ask if there are security guards at Fox News HQ. Why do you insist on shutting down YOUR building, Laura? Also, you got your vaccine, right? Hypocrite.

Can you help us out?

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