Second Timer Good Guy Crookie: CNN's Jim Acosta

Jim Acosta endured years of relentless attacks from Donald Trump, the White House, right wing media and Twitter trolls, yet he never backs down.

Jim Acosta was actually one of MY 2018 Good Guys of the year, but I still feel his 2021 contributions to media, journalism and all around AWESOMENESS needs to be acknowledged for 2021! Let me start by saying that I adore Jim - he is fearless with his monologues on his weekend afternoon shows, frequently taking FOX (specifically Tucker Carlson) to task, takes on the right wing media and Donald Trump with zero regrets and never let's his viewers down when it comes to some dark humor.

Here are some of my favorite posts from 2021 that highlight the reasons why he is my TWO TIME CROOKIE: GOOD GUY Winner!

First up, mocking TFG for living in his own version of a political Groundhog Day.

Who can forget when he called FOX News a "Bullshit Factory"?

Then the faux outrage of cancel culture.

Warning of a "five alarm fire" if we don't do something.

Then insulting clowns, but apologizing for it later.

Stumping "family values candidate" Madison Cawthorn with simple questions.

And some good old fashion Tucker Carlson-bashing, starting with "human manure factory", "Ayatollah of Paranoia", reminding folks of the vaccine hypocrisy and finally Proud Boy porn creator.

Jim, for all that you do to keep us sane and informed, you are a 2021 Crookie Good Guy of the Year (AGAIN!)

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