August 12, 2022

The right-wing media isn't taking the news that the FBI searched former President Donald Trump's Florida resort, Mar a Lago, very well. This isn't the first time that a Murdoch entity has tried to smear the judge that signed off on the warrant, but Fox News's Brian Kilmeade, filling in for Tucker Carlson on Thursday night, took things to a whole different level. I suppose Kilmeade hasn't considered that there must be a fuckton of evidence for a judge to sign off on a no-knock warrant for a former President.

Fox News used a photoshopped image of the judge on an airplane receiving a foot massage from convicted sex offender Ghislaine Maxwell.

Hannity noted to Kilmeade the obvious. He said that the image was doctored.

"I think that's actually a picture of Jeffrey Epstein with somebody putting [the judge's] head on there," Hannity said.

Via Snopes:

The fake picture, which appeared to have been altered with Adobe Photoshop, originally showed Epstein receiving the massage, not Reinhart.

This is where the digitally altered photo originated:

The news exploded yesterday over reports that FBI agents searched for classified documents related to nuclear weapons at Trump's Florida Mar-a-Lago resort. The question is, will Fox News and Trump's allies go down with the ship? That's a pretty serious allegation, and one I don't doubt is true. How far are they willing to go for Donald J. Trump? Because Brian Kilmeade appears to be all in on defending potential espionage. The judge should sue his dumb ass.

As for the image, there's a real one of their boy Trump with Jeffrey Epstein. Actually, there is more than one.

UPDATE: (Karoli) Kilmeade thinks he's going to write this off to a joke. Not so fast, bub.

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