September 4, 2022

Former President Donald Trump is probably the most divisive figure in American history, and yet, somehow, he called President Joe Biden's recent speech about "MAGA Republicans" the most divisive speech by an American President in history. He then claimed that the red background behind Biden during his speech was "like the devil." And then Trump burst into flames.

"How did you like the red lighting behind him like the devil?" Trump asked the crowd in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.

The red hats no longer like the color red anymore. Isn't that interesting?

Trump droned on for nearly two hours, focusing much of the time on the search warrant executed on his Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago.

The twice impeached one-term president under investigation for espionage called the FBI's search "the shameful raid and break-in on my home in Mar-a-Lago" a "travesty."

"It was not just my home that was raided… it was the hopes and dreams of every citizen who I've been fighting for since the moment I came down the golden escalator in 2015, wanting to represent the people," he said.

I recall that in 2018, third lady Melania Trump unveiled the White House Christmas decorations and the trees were red.

Twitter users weighed in.

And Trump said that while wearing a red tie. Go figure. Trump needs to make up his mind. Is Biden "sleepy Joe" or the devil?

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