November 17, 2022

During Trump's myopic announcement from his Florida residence, the former guy painted a bizarre picture of the country, as if COVID never happened, then it did happen, but he still led the US into a golden age.

"Two years ago, when I left office, the United States stood ready for its golden age. Our nation was at the pinnacle of power, prosperity and prestige," Trump said.

Unemployment was a tick under 7%, Americans were being infected at over 80,000 per day, and there was no COVID vaccine available yet.

Trump was infected with COVID, and his team admitted that to the world on October 2, 2020. He got so sick he received emergency care at Walter Reed, with drugs no one else in the country could get, which saved his life.

Many businesses were still closed at this time, and it wasn't until December 13th, 2020, that the first vaccine became available to the public.

But sure, good times abounded.

"Towering above all rivals, vanquishing all enemies and striding into the future confident and so strong. In four short years everybody was doing great, men, women, African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, everybody was thriving, like never before," he said.

Then, of course, he did admit COVID was a thing.

"When the virus hit our shore, I took decisive action and saved lives and the U.S. economy, and by October of the same year, America was roaring back with the number one fastest economic recovery ever recorded. How about that?" Trump lied.

The excellent Daniel Dale fact-checked at least twenty of Trump's whoppers during his speech.

Trump's lies are finally being dismissed by his former allies.

PS. The speech was so bad, even HANNITY cut away:

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