The former Father Frank Pavone got in trouble for placing an abortion fetus on an altar and posting it on social media.
December 19, 2022

The Vatican has defrocked Frank Pavone, the former Fox News priest, over “blasphemous communications on social media” and “persistent disobedience” of his bishop, according to news reports Sunday. Now he'll be a right-wing martyr. Via USAToday:

The Vatican removed Pavone from the priesthood Nov. 9 and there is no chance for him to appeal his dismissal, according to a letter to U.S. bishops from Christophe Pierre, the Vatican ambassador to the U.S. The letter was first reported by Catholic News Agency.

Pavone, founder of anti-abortion group Priests for Life, frequently posts on social media about politics and abortion, largely in support of former President Donald J. Trump and the Republican party's anti-abortion platform.

The Vatican said it provided Pavone "ample opportunity" to defend himself, but he provided "no reasonable justification for his actions," according to the letter.

Pavone, who also served as an advisor to Trump, faced an investigation in 2016 while in the diocese of Amarillo, Texas, for allegedly having placed an aborted fetus on an altar and posting a video of it on social media.

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