December 23, 2022

A sobering number, one that comes from Ukraine's Ministry of Defense. The Russians themselves have reported fewer than 6000. They could not, however, explain why they needed to mobilize upwards of 300,000 men just a few months ago, and are expected to mobilize another 300,000 early in the new year.

Source: Newsweek

More than 100,000 Russian soldiers have now been killed in Ukraine since Moscow's invasion began on February 24, according to daily updates released by the Ukrainian government.

On Wednesday, 660 Russian troops were killed in Ukraine, bringing the total Russian deaths to 100,400.

This means Russian forces have lost an average of around 10,000 troops killed each month since February. The conflict since February has been Russia's most costly in terms of military casualties since World War II.

Wednesday's total collated by the Ukrainian military included another Russian aircraft, one tank, two armored personnel carriers, seven artillery systems, seven other vehicles, and five drones

Ukraine has not been shy about sharing this number:

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