January 12, 2023

Santos, like Trump, is a compulsive liar. He just can't help himself. It's like second nature to him, like breathing is to the rest of us. Santos also claimed to have had a 3.89 GPA from Baruch College and later an M.B.A. from New York University, another school that also said Santos did not attend.

Source: Washington Post

George Santos allegedly told a Republican official he was a star on the volleyball team in college. The problem with that anecdote? The freshman GOP lawmaker from New York never attended the college for which he claimed to have played.

Even as Republicans in New York on Wednesday called for Santos to resign from Congress over his fabrications, which have spurred inquiries into his finances and campaign spending, new details about his falsehoods emerged.

“George Santos’s campaign last year was a campaign of deceit, lies and fabrication,” Nassau County Republican Chairman Joseph G. Cairo Jr. said at a news conference on Long Island. Among those lies, Cairo said, was Santos bragging about his athletic prowess.

“He told me that, I remember specifically, ‘I’m into sports a little bit,’ that he was a star on the Baruch volleyball team and that they won the league championship,” Cairo said.

Santos has said he lied about attending Baruch College and New York University, and about his supposed employment with at least two major financial institutions.

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