The final draft of the district's new library policy appears to list an attorney for the right wing Pennsylvania Family Institute as its author.
January 21, 2023

This part of Bucks County, PA used to have a lot of liberal Republicans, but then came Trump. (And this local health club, which became a MAGAt cult.) And now they're turning into Florida. Via the Bucks County Courier Times:

Copies of the Central Bucks School District’s administrative regulations for a library policy critics say opens the door to banning LGBTQ books have been reviewed and possibly edited by a statewide conservative group.

Metadata of a leaked copy of the regulations made multiple noteworthy changes to an earlier draft written by the district’s library coordinator, and the final draft appears to list an attorney for the Pennsylvania Family Institute as its author.

An email request for comment on the documents sent Thursday afternoon went unanswered, but the district sent an email to parents Friday as this news organization's deadline loomed confirming the regulations were reviewed by the institute's attorney.

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