February 13, 2023

This past week we experienced one of the single best moments in the history of congressional hearings--perhaps live TV in general. Because Republicans created a fake weaponizing government committee to try and exonerate their criminal former President (and themselves), they had former Twitter employees testifying.

Needless to say, it didn't go the way this corrupt group of circus clowns thought it would. Because, for the most part, they're morons.

When they asked about Democrats forcing Twitter to take down tweets--no request of any sort had been made by Joe Biden. But...one sure had been made by Donald Trump. It was a tweet by Chrissy Teigen about Mr. Drumpf himself. One of the former Twitter employees was forced to read it, out loud, and for the all-time congressional record. And what it said, well, you wouldn't believe that if I told you....Watch the video!

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