June 15, 2023

Apparently Republican Trump suck-up Sarah Palin is very confused about what it means to be a member of a cult. Here she is on the right-wing alternative to Fox "news," NewsMax TV, griping about the fact that Hillary Clinton rightfully called Trump's enablers a cult, trying to call those on the left a cult, and then accidentally explaining how she and her fellow Trump cultists are exactly that:

On Wednesday, Sarah Palin — a former Alaska governor, rejected 2012 Republican vice presidential nominee, and twice-failed 2022 United States House of Representatives candidate — was asked by Newsmax host and Managing Editor John Bachman if supporters of ex-President Donald Trump and his Make America Great Again movement display cultish behavior. [...]

"Uh, no," Palin replied.

"You know, the definition of a cult is, uh, a group of people who are, um, excessively supporting one another and a cause, all about conformity and compliance and intolerance of anyone who doesn't agree with what their mission is. Okay?"

Palin deflected the remainder of her response.

"That's the definition of what the left is engaged in right now, speaking of, of cults, um, all about conformity and compliance," Palin added. "And heaven forbid you don't agree with them."

Palin, and Trump and the rest of them have a bit of a problem with mirrors and self reflection of any sort. All I can say is thank God this nitwit wasn't a heartbeat away from the presidency when she ran with McCain. She's still desperate to keep herself relevant. Nothing like seeing her make sure that's never the case with a ridiculous self own like this one.

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