July 9, 2023

While campaigning in Las Vegas, Nevada, former President Donald Trump tried to say words. I don't understand why his crowd of supporters found his words humorous. The twice-indicted former President might have been discussing climate change, which he denies. Nevada is under increasing threat from climate change, so you'd think the residents there would take it more seriously.

He was, of course, trying to take a shot at Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

"He [DeSantis] said, if you endorse me in the state of Florida, which we love, we all love Florida," the one-term President said. "And remember, Florida is easier than other places."

"You have the ocean, and you have the sun," he continued. "There's something about that that works. But you have the sun too, but you don't have the ocean, I can tell you."

"You definitely don't have the ocean," he said as if no one was aware of that. "Maybe someday you'll have the ocean.

"You never know," he said. "Someday. Hopefully, it's a long time away, right?"

"Hopefully," he added. "But he said, if you endorse me, I say, look, you know what?"

Can someone translate that for me, please? I do not speak cabbage.

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