August 13, 2023

Before leaving Iowa on Saturday, where he was campaigning for the GOP nomination to stay out of prison, former President Donald Trump once again snapped at a reporter.

I'm losing count now, but the thrice-indicted former President faces 78 criminal charges across three cases. I might have that wrong. And it will get worse when Georgia DA Fani Willis hands down more indictments, possibly as early as Tuesday, so Trump is a bit stressed out, and we wouldn't want him to STROKE OUT. That would be bad.

"Is there any chance you take a plea deal in Georgia?" a reporter asked Bloaty McBathshit.

"We don't take plea deals," Trump said. "We did nothing wrong. We don't ever take a plea deal. We don't take plea deals."

"It's a wise guy question," Trump snapped at the reporter. "You're just a wise guy."

"We don't take plea deals because they did nothing wrong," Lumpy added. "It's called election interference."

Wrong. The investigations were launched before that weirdo announced his second bid for the White House. Therefore, it can't be election interference. He knows this.

He really thought he could do whatever he wants:

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