Senator Ron Johnson (Q - Moscow) went on the radio with Wisconsin-based Vicki McKenna to attack President Joe Biden and blame him for the economic woes.
He blames part of it on the COVID recession which was caused by his Fearless Leader's dismal failure in addressing the issue while it was still new but never does get around how that is Biden's fault.
But then he gets to the part that caused a spit take:
And the problem is there's no end in sight. Collectively, as a society, because the news media doesn't report on it. because they're fully on board with growing government no matter what it costs. It's not like the public is demanding fiscal sanity. And as a result, most politicians, most elected officials here in Washington, D.C. are happy to whistle past the graveyard because they realize that voting for their constituents' benefits is popular, doesn't get them in trouble. What gets elected officials in trouble is saying no.
RoJo probably should have cleaned that up before he said it. Because their are constituents who are just working stiffs and are struggling to get by day to day. And then there are the "constituents" that RoJo prefers to cater to:
Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin pushed for a tax break in 2017 resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars in deductions to megadonors who funded his campaigns, a report Wednesday from the nonprofit investigative journalism organization ProPublica found.
Johnson switched from an opponent of the massive Trump tax cut bill to a supporter after getting the more generous tax cuts that resulted in more than $79 million in tax savings for two of his largest donors in 2018 alone.
It was these same megadonors that spent a lot of those tax cuts on helping RoJo squeak out his reelection over Mandela Barnes.
But somehow, in RoJo's swamp fevered brain, forcing regular people to pay for those tax breaks wasn't a burden at all.