May 23, 2024

The new outrage from the right is very confusing since, while arguing for immunity, Donald Trump's attorneys claim that Presidents should not be prosecuted for any crimes committed, including if they have a political opponent assassinated. Now, at the same time, Trump and his supporters are losing every single one of their shits over the FBI being able to use deadly force for the Mar-a-Lago raid. And they're saying that the DOJ and Biden wanted to kill their Trumpy bear. However, it's a standard procedure.

The FBI said in a statement, "No one ordered additional steps to be taken, and there was no departure from the norm in this matter."

Trump is fundraising off of this, and even though he was over 1,000 miles away in New York City when the raid occurred, Trump dramatically claims he "nearly escaped death," which would mean that he's dead, right? No wonder Zombie Trump keeps complaining that he's cold in court.

Will someone do a welfare check on this guy? I'm worried about him:

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