May 29, 2024

It's difficult to remember all of the players in Trump's orbit who are paying the price for doing the former President's illegal bidding, but Jenna Ellis is the one who Rudy Giuliani Covid-farted on in her general direction. An agreement has been reached between Colorado legal officials and the Fart Lady, barring her from practicing law in the state for three years after she pleaded guilty to helping the twice-impeached former President try to overturn the 2020 election.

Imagine giving everything up for that chud. But she did -- and now she has found out there's a price to pay for her fealty to that corrupt blob. Just kidding!

The Associated Press reports:

Ellis tearfully pleaded guilty to felony charges of aiding and abetting false statements in Fulton County, Georgia, in October. She was one of 18 co-defendants of Trump who were charged in a sweeping case over the former President's campaign to reverse President Joe Biden's 2020 victory in Georgia.

Ellis was previously censured in Colorado for making false statements over the 2020 election, including that the election was "stolen" from Trump. Those falsehoods were part of a sustained campaign by Trump allies that helped lead to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

The latest case was brought by Colorado legal authorities after Ellis' Georgia plea. The case contends that Ellis "caused significant actual harm in a variety of ways. It undermined the American public's confidence in the presidential election process."

It also noted that Ellis' crime was "due to her conduct as an accessory, not as a principal."

She was pretty bad, and that seems like a slap on the wrist. And wait until they hear about Donald J. Trump. It will blow their minds! They might even give him a weekend in jail with his favorite takeout foods being delivered after his attempted coup while stashing our country's most secret documents in the Mar-a-Lago shitter.

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