June 17, 2024

Fox News host Harris Faulkner made a bizarre analogy favoring diminished Donald.

She's upset that MSNBC contributors have praised President Biden and are unfriendly to Trump.

Do you understand the Fox News/Harris Faulkner "logic"?

Faulkner played a video mashup.

MSNBC: This was a great week for the president.

He's having these back-to-back weeks both the national stage and domestically.

The president is playing chess, and the former president, at best, is playing like Hungry Hungry Hippo.

Well, if that, maybe Uno. I'm gonna give him Uno, maybe. He's playing Uno.

Uno, and somebody keeps telling him to draw four.

Faulkner came back in and delivered this weird opinion.

Alright, Simone Sanders for the win there.

That was hilarious.

None of it is good if you're the sitting president, though, because that's unfriendly for Biden.

Unfriendly for Biden, huh? MSNBC just praised him.

Fox News uses vicious attacks and phony videos to bash Biden every hour on the hour, yet saying a few negative words on another cable news channel is somehow a problem for the current president?


Go for it.

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