“When Mitch McConnell, Leonard Leo and the Wall Street Journal editorial page are all criticizing you about the Supreme Court, it’s a pretty good sign you’re on the right track," Sheldon Whitehouse said.
June 6, 2024

Moscow Mitch suggested yesterday that the Supreme Court should punish at least two Democratic senators over their calls for Justice Samuel Alito to recuse himself from cases related to former President Donald Trump. And you won't believe the convoluted reasoning. Via CNBC:

Sens. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island are bound by court rules that “provide for discipline against those who engage in conduct unbecoming an officer of the court,” McConnell said on the Senate floor. Numerous Democrats in both chambers of Congress have called out Alito following reports that flags associated with pro-Trump efforts to overturn the 2020 election results were flown at his homes.

But McConnell singled out Blumenthal and Whitehouse because they are members of the Supreme Court bar. He argued that the two Democrats ran afoul of the American Bar Association’s code of judicial conduct by “privately” asking Chief Justice John Roberts “to change the course of pending litigation.”

They are therefore “potentially engaged in unethical professional conduct before the court,” McConnell said of Blumenthal and Whitehouse, both of whom are members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Whitehouse, in a statement to CNBC, said, “When Mitch McConnell, Leonard Leo and the Wall Street Journal editorial page are all criticizing you about the Supreme Court, it’s a pretty good sign you’re on the right track.”

Here's what I know: When they write the history books, Sheldon Whitehouse and Richard Blumenthal will be inspiring examples. And Mitch? He'll always be the parasitic worm that tried to take democracy down.

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