July 23, 2024

We've all seen the misogynistic, sexist attacks on vice-president Kamala Harris rapidly circulating on social media, and it's going to backfire. Republicans have miserably failed women for years, and now they aren't even trying to secure that coveted voting bloc. All they've accomplished is activating the KHive.

But Fox News's Jesse Watters had another take on Harris. According to the Fox News host, Harris "didn't earn" her shot at the presidency because, he said, Americans like "self-made" men and women. It's as if he's never heard of Donald J. Trump, the serial bankruptcy filer who inherited a vast fortune from his father, Fred. When Trump would fail at another business, Fred bailed him out. Trump went from building skyscrapers with Daddy's help to having his name scrubbed off of them with tenants cringing over being tied to the toxic figure.

Still, Watters persisted.

"She didn't earn this," he said. "She inherited it. And Americans aren't hot on heirs.

"They like self-made men and women," he added. "They're brainwashing us."

Xitter users piled in.

Jesse, sit in the corner and think about that dumb thing you just said.

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