Trump just threw all of his buddies who authored the dangerous Project 2025 right under the bus during a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan in his latest lame attempt to pretend he doesn't know anything about their agenda.
July 21, 2024

Trump just threw all of his buddies who authored the dangerous Project 2025 right under the bus during a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan this Saturday in his latest lame attempt to pretend he doesn't know anything about their agenda.

Here he is at the first one of his cult rallies since the shooting attempt, where he finally ditched the Kotex ear patch, pulling this routine.

TRUMP: Like some on the right, severe right, came up with this Project 25, and I don't even know... I mean, some of them, I know who they are, but they're very, very conservative, just like you have... they're sort of the opposite of the radical left, okay?

You have the radical left, and you have the radical right. And they come up with this project... I don't know what the hell it is. It's Project 25. He's involved in Project... and then they read some of the things, and they are extreme. I mean, they're seriously extreme.

But I don't know anything about it. I don't want to know anything about it. But what they do is misinformation and disinformation.

The "radical right" or the "severe right," huh? What do you know. Trump finally said something we agree with. Good luck with this stupid lie, Trump. It's so bad even our useless corporate media is going to keep calling you out for it.

Thanks for helping the Democrats out with some more campaign ads letting the voters know you're desperate to hide what you've got in store for them. Your cult won't care, but the rest of the country isn't buying what Project 2025 is peddling.

Trump's Project 2025 exactly dovetails with his Agenda 47. There is no daylight between them.

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