The cat story began as a lie spread on a local Facebook group, was amplified by RT, which of course meant it went right to the GOP to share, and JD Vance, tweeted it out.
September 13, 2024

Perhaps Donald Trump's most repeated line from the debate, something that's inspired a million memes/videos, is "They are eating the pets!" Trump was talking about the insane conspiracy theory that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, OH were eating people's pets. It's a form of blood libel, really, meant to inspire fear, to hell with the consequences.

Which so far have included a bomb threat aimed at Haitians in Springfield and the Haitian community almost on lockdown, not even able to send their kids to school.

It began as a lie spread on a local Facebook group, was amplified by RT, which of course naturally meant it went right to the GOP to share, and Ohioan who-doesn't-know-how-to-order-donuts, JD Vance, tweeted it out. Trump amplified it at the debate.

And Ohio Congressman, conspiracy theorist, and ignorer-of-mass-rape at Ohio State, Jim Jordan, also shared it, because what else is that scumbag gonna do? Here, Eric Swalwell absolutely torches him for it. It's a MUST WATCH.

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