It's now an article of faith among right-wingers like Matt Lewis that the hugely unpopular Sarah Palin was "destroyed" by liberals when she ran for Vice President. Somehow, apparently, liberals tricked Palin into making herself look like an idiot on national television, refusing to submit to a single press conference, and running a vicious, divisive campaign.
And the left's Operation Destroy Palin didn't end with the campaign.
Liberals engineered her quitting as governor before her term was complete, tricked her into starring in her own reality show (which was a bust), teaming up with the toxic Glenn Beck -- and then teasing the rubes for a year while she flirted with a presidential run, only to bail on them at the last minute.
For such a tiny minority in our Great Center-Right Nation, liberals sure are powerful, aren't they?
These are the same devious schemers, you see, that just forced Marco Rubio to babble about "theologians" when asked a 6th-grade level science question.
Right-wingers bathe in faux victimhood and martyrdom like pigs in filth.