The New York Civil Liberties Union has developed a new smartphone app called “Stop and Frisk Watch,” which will empower smartphone users in New York ”to hold the NYPD accountable for unlawful, abusive street stops and other misconduct."
June 7, 2012

The New York Civil Liberties Union has developed a new smartphone app called “Stop and Frisk Watch,” which will empower smartphone users in New York ”to hold the NYPD accountable for unlawful, abusive street stops and other misconduct." Simply pushing a trigger on the phone’s frame will allow you to record, a "Listen" function alerts the user when people in their vicinity are being stopped by the police, and "Report" prompts an incident report, which allows users to report a police interaction they saw or experienced, even if they didn’t film it.

Here's a tutorial for the app, which is available now for Android and in July for iPhone. Happy policing the police!

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