The news on this day in December in 1944 was all about Allied Advances. On the Western Front, General Patton's 3rd Army established a bridgehead at The Saar River. The 1st Army was advancing on the German frontier. The British 8th Army was busy advancing in Italy and capturing several towns along the way. Estimates the Germans had over 1/2 million troops poised for a counter-attack somewhere, but as of yet not known where. In the Pacific, the Philippines Invasion was plodding along. This morning's news report from the Pacific talked about mail delivery to the troops and the difficulties that entailed - but the mail was still getting through.
In Greece, rioting continued with a Civil War threatening. The British Army was trying to keep peace by keeping the warring parties away from each other, but that was looking easier said than done. And there was a shakeup and shuffling of positions and desks at the State Department.
All in all, a world deeply engrossed in the process of war, as reported on the NBC World News Roundup for the morning of December 5, 1944.