Another example of politics without threats, name calling and innuendo among Republicans. The 1948 Presidential Election, although hotly contested and fought was, by today's standards, remarkably civil.
This debate, held on the eve of the Oregon Primary, on May 1, 1948 put Republican Presidential hopefuls Governor Thomas E. Dewey and Governor Harold Stassen discussing the subject: "Should The Communist Party In The U.S. Be outlawed?".
Taking the side of the affirmative was Harold Stassen and taking the side of the negative was Thomas Dewey. The debate lasted an hour and arguments were put forth, contested, rebutted and summed up.
Not a terse word, snide comment or character snipe was to be found in the entire hour.
How could that be?
Hear it for yourself.
Here is that debate, in its entirety, as broadcast over NBC Radio on May 17, 1948.