Nights At The Roundtable with a repeat appearance of French alt/experimental/rock/psych band Cotton Club and a new track from their latest session, Hope Sailor.
March 7, 2011

Cotton Club - growing leaps and bounds

It's always a kick to hear from the bands you discover and tell other people about. A couple months ago I ran a track from the French alternative/psych/experimental/ band Cotton Club and was pretty high on them and had hopes they would get a good word of mouth going via the blogosphere and everywhere in between. I got a very nice e-mail from the guys thanking Newstalgia for the support and last week they sent me a link to some of their new stuff, which they had finished mixing almost a week ago. I also got word they are doing a gig in Berlin later on this week on the 12th. So fortunes are picking up.

I'm happy to say they didn't disappoint and tonight's track, Hope Sailor is what came out of that session.

Good way to kick off the week with some new discoveries. FYI - head over to Soundcloud and hit the browse button and get blown away by what's out there.

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