Dorsey Shaw asks this question--America Rising: Is This Viral Video Sensation Really Grassroots Or The GOP In Disguise? and offers some thoughts on why this was professionally done and has the GOP's fingerprints all over it.
#1 The Video Only Focuses on Democrats, Leftist and Liberals
Why This Is a GOP Fingerprint: Tea Party people hate all the bums in Washington, especially the Republicans who they feel have betrayed their conservative values.
#2 The Author Is Unknown
Another Republican Fingerprint?: Every single Tea Party person has a blog and a gun. They are not afraid of the Government. If any of them were to make a video that was bound to go viral, they would also have a T-shirt to sell you just in case you really liked the video and needed something other than a Sean Hannity / Glenn Beck concert hoodie to wear to the next rally on the steps of Congress.
#3 It's Way Too Good
This Video Reeks of GOP DNA: The GOP still doesn't "get" the Internet, and if there's one thing the Internet prides itself on, it's sniffing out a phony. This video, though not broadcast quality, is a damn good piece of work that has perfect edits and music that sounds like it's a leftover from one of McCain's unused A/V hit pieces from '08. If the GOP operatives who created this video were really internet savvy, they would have used more familiar copyrighted material like a true guerilla YouTube auteur.
Take a look and judge for yourself but don't be surprised when it turns out a guy named Dick who's last name rhymes with Army is one of the persons responsible for this "grassroots" effort.
This video titled America Rising: An Open Letter to Democrat Politicians originally appeared on You Tube and the video was pulled by the person who posted it and the account was shut down a week or so later. You can still see the cached page here.
Looks like they're already putting the fear mongering into high gear to get ready for the elections this year. My question is why didn't the person who produced this want their name attached to it? Badabing asked the same question in their diary at Daily KOS--Alan Grayson Eviscerates Republicans into Confetti - LOL.