Here's a bonus podcast from Driftglass and Bluegal with another new one for this week coming shortly. Enjoy!
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue GalThe Podcast that almost didn't pod, or cast!
This is the podcast we recorded right before Blue Gal received that fundraising letter from Michael Steele that made Driftglass so mad. We cover the jobless future of America, the dearth of Republican intellectuals and how we miss 'em, and how the 50's nuclear family was only possible under a rare and unusual economic boom-time anomaly. Plus we laugh. (originally scheduled for broadcast 2/17)
You can listen to past editions here. The podcast is also available through iTunes, and the RSS feed is here.
DG and BG have committed to having a paid account with their podcasting service; this means they can archive old podcasts and record every week, which is not possible on a free account. If you like these podcasts, drop five bucks in the hat to help defray their costs. Thanks.