[oldembed src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/xylDxj6-9dY" width="425" height="269" resize="1" fid="21"]
This video is the best illustration I've seen of the amount of seismic activity the Japanese have had to endure this week. I wonder how much longer this is going to go on. Between the quakes and the nuclear disaster there it's just horrifying to imagine what the people of that country are going through right now.
h/t tekisui at DU.
From Gremo who made the video:
Quick video showing earthquakes in Japan between 9 March and 14 March. 1 hour ~ 1 second. Big one is around 1:17.
You can find the kml file here: http://jumpjack.wordpress.com/2011/03/13/animazione-googleearth-terremoto-gia...
And one of the commenters at DU sent this link -- Earthquakes In The Last Week