Bob Cesca said Newt Gingrich doesn't understand stimulus. I think he understands it full well and is just a bald faced liar.
From Think Progress -- Gingrich Can’t Figure Out Why Food Stamps Are Stimulative: ‘I Don’t Understand…Liberal Math’:
Newt Gingrich’s new messaging strategy has been to tell Republican candidates to label Democrats “the party of food stamps,” while, claiming the GOP is in turn “the party of paychecks.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) fired back at Gingrich yesterday. “There is some subliminal message that is being sent out there about us and them,” she said, adding that food stamps are “the biggest bang for the buck” in terms of economic stimulus.
Last night on Fox News, Gingrich responded. “She seemed to get very upset,” he said. “She says that for every dollar a person receives in food stamps, $1.79 is put back in the economy,” host Greta Van Susteren noted. But Gingrich couldn’t quite wrap his head around the fact that food stamps have a stimulative effect on the economy:
GINGRICH: Well, you know, I carry around a bumper sticker that says 2 plus 2 equals 4. So I’d be very curious how a dollar given to somebody becomes a $1.79. And I think if we could get that to work with the U.S. Treasuries, so if people gave the Treasury $1,000, it became $1,790, we could pay off the federal debt and never worry about spending or anything. I mean, I — you know, somehow, I don’t understand how liberal math turns $1 into $1.79.
Bob's got more on the numbers here. It's too bad for Newt that reality has a liberal bias.
I wonder if Newt Gingrich thinks there aren't any Republicans on food stamps since he believes this is such a great political strategy just before the mid-terms.