It seems former White House spokes-puppet and Faux "news" employee Dana Perino was none too happy when her cohort at Fox, Juan Williams, called out Republicans for living inside of their conservative right-wing bubble instead of representing the people who voted and sent them to Congress.
Perino responded by giving the viewers on Fox News Sunday a healthy dose of "I know you are but what am I?" and playing the "liberal media" myth game.
WALLACE: Dana, Barack Obama, whether rightly or wrongly, fairly or unfairly, was elected I think in some measure, he certainly ran on the idea that he was going to end the hyper partisanship of the Bush era and I don't think there's any question it's only gotten worse, what's the answer, how does this end?
PERINO: The sound bite that you played earlier to enter into this panel segment, with Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell. That's actually very tame compared to the other language that's been thrown about from the administration and also from both sides of the ...
WALLACE: Anarchists, terrorists.
PERINO: Yes. Suicide bombers, things like that. And once you get ...
WALLACE: We have heard that from Republicans about other Republicans.
PERINO: Oh, yes, and that's what I was going to say, it might be a throw the bums out election, but, actually, it could be that some of the Republicans find that they all have challenges in their districts. I tried to take a long view of this, we do not have a very warm and charismatic speaker and a leader, I don't mean Speaker Boehner, I just mean in general in the Republican Party. Like Reagan was for the Republicans or Clinton was for the Democrats. Maybe one will emerge. But in the meantime, I think, that this evolution that the Republican Party is going through, it's just going to be somewhat we'd have to watch, but if you look at the last week, and you're on the far right. You think, you know, at least it was worth it, because we have shaken up the status quo. And in many ways, that's what the goal was.
WILLIAMS: I don't think shaking up the status quo was the goal here. I think the problem is that you get people into office who say, you know, when I'm talking to them, they say, oh, you know, when I was elected I was sent to Washington to fight ObamaCare, I was sent to Washington to shake up the status quo. And I think you were sent to Washington to govern, to represent the interest of the American people not some small sector. And right now in the Republican Party. You know, the base of the party is in the south, overwhelmingly white and very, very, very conservative. And all they do is live in a very small bubble including a media bubble and talk to each other. And they are confirmed, and then you get Heritage and you get Freedom Works. And all this ...
PERINO: That's not true-
WILLIAMS: And it's just not healthy.
WALLACE: You don't think that's true with Democrats?
WILLIAMS: To some extent it is, but at the moment, as you witness what's going on here, there are people inside the Democratic Party who say we need a deal. We need to get something done and we don't see that right now coming from the heart and the soul of the Republican Party.
PERINO: Juan, Democrats and the liberals live in the biggest mainstream media bubble ever created in the history of the universe. And so, if you look at Republicans across many of the states governors, or state legislators, Republicans are actually doing what a really good work, they just nationally they're taking a hit on their reputation.
You've got to hand it to them. They've got the art of projection down to an exact science.