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Oops! This slipup by Mike Huckabee accidentally reveals the truth about our favorite non-news channel. In this clip, he declares that the nation would think Barack Obama was doing just fine if it weren't for Fox News. Boy howdy, I'll bet he feels like a weight has lifted from his shoulders after that confession.
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (R) had an oops moment on his radio show Monday, and this one’s going to leave a mark.Speaking about America’s media landscape in general, Huckabee suggested that without Fox News acting as a counterweight to “mainstream media,” most Americans “will assume that Obama really is just doing a great job and he just can’t get those crazy Republicans to help him out.”
Why yes, Pastor Huckabee. That happens to be the truth, right there, falling out of your mouth without so much as a second thought. Not only that, but without Fox News, our population would be smarter, more well-informed, and less prone to extreme, ridiculous thoughts about birth certificates and such.
Thanks for clearing that up!