Further demonstrating how concerned Wall Street is about the possibility of U.S. Senate Candidate Elizabeth Warren being elected, Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS is blasting the consumer advocate in a bizarre new ad. The ad, a $560,000 buy,
November 11, 2011

Further demonstrating how concerned Wall Street is about the possibility of U.S. Senate Candidate Elizabeth Warren being elected, Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS is blasting the consumer advocate in a bizarre new ad.

The ad, a $560,000 buy, ties Warren to the oh-so-“radical” Occupy Wall Street protests. The selectively edited ad isn’t the first time Wall Street has gone after Warren, the former head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and it certainly won’t be the last.

Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown has been quite a friend to the big banks (as I wrote about), and the 1 percent would continue to thrive if he remained in office.

According to the Boston Globe, Warren has clearly stated that she has urged Occupy Wall Street protestors to stay within the law, but she does support their mission. The most threatening thing about Warren for Karl Rove and the big bankers though is that Warren has not merely stated her support; she has acted on behalf of the 99 percent. This is exactly why we need her in office.

These big money, Wall Street slush funds are going to launch one ridiculous attack after another on Warren. Progressives need to be ready to help her fight back every single time. Here is where you can send her some money, so please do.

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