It's official: there's a war going on between the Republican establishment and the Tea Party rebels. Rove laid into her pretty good, citing her numerous personal issues and inexperience, the far-right slant to her campaign which just won't work in a general election in Delaware. Hannity seemed taken aback by it all, and tried vainly to defend her against Rove's onslaught of outright dismissal. Said Rove:" [O'Donnell] says nutty things" and "This is not a race we're going to be able to win."
The rightwing blogs were quick to come to O'Donnell's defense as well. Michelle Malkin (an O'Donnell supporter) was particularly offended, and wrote:
I just finished watching Karl Rove trashing GOP Senate primary winner Christine O’Donnell. It was on Sean Hannity’s FNC show. Might as well have been Olbermann on MSNBC. The establishment Beltway strategist couldn’t even bother with an obligatory word of congratulations for O’Donnell. He criticized her “character” and “rectitude” and claimed she hadn’t answered questions about her financial woes. She did so here. Rove mocked her security concerns as “nutty.” Yet, her concerns have been more than justified.
Rove came across as an effete sore loser instead of the supposedly brilliant and grounded GOP strategist that he’s supposed to be. Expect more Washington Republicans to start sounding like Tea Party-bashing libs as their entrenched incumbent friends go down.
And according to FOX news, the NSRC have already given up on winning Delaware with O'Donnell's win, and won't be "spending a dime there" now. (Video)