Is it Woden's Day yet? Yes. Now we just have to wait for Ragnarok. In the meantime:
Easily amused penguin badtux has broken the Trump code.
Slacktivist celebrates the return of Focus on the Family's magazine for "anxious, overbearing" parents to give to their teen-aged daughters, Brio.
Gin & Tacos on the death of retail. (Self-promotion: I've noted it too, hither, & yon.)
The terror never stops: Police vs. 12yr.-olds, from Pharyngula.
"Trump holds on to his base — but is losing nearly everyone else" from the Nutty Broadcasting Co.
The Non Sequitur on free speech.
Also, maha & The Mahablog are back on the air.
Round-up by the ol' cowpoke, M. Bouffant, who pokes sacred cows at Web of Evil.