Plunderbund: Ohio Governor John Kasich gets mugged by economic reality.
Connecting the Dots: Herman Cain gets mugged by Karl Rove.
Naked Politics: Florida teacher gets mugged by Republican vote suppression laws.
Down with Tyranny: Working Americans get mugged by every Republican presidential candidate’s tax cut windfall for the wealthy.
Speaking of which, your quote of the day: "We ought to provide help to the people who have been hurt most by the Obama economy. And that's the middle class. It's not those at the very low end; it's certainly not those at the very high end. It's for the great middle class -- the 80 to 90 percent of us in this country.” (Mitt Romney, September 21, 2011)
Guest blogging Mike's Blog Round Up today is Jon Perr from Perrspectives. Send your tips, recommendations, comments and angst to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com.