It seems a little late on Bush's part now. The job is already done! Bush urges end to TV attack ads by outside groups. President Bush denounced TV
August 22, 2004

It seems a little late on Bush's part now.

The job is already done!

Bush urges end to TV attack ads by outside groups. President Bush denounced TV ads by outside groups attacking both John Kerry and himself on Monday and called for a halt to all such political efforts. [ Politics - Top Stories]President Bush on Monday denounced campaign commercials aired by outside groups, including an ad that accuses John Kerry of lying about his combat record in Vietnam.

President Bush answers reporters' questions Monday at his ranch in Crawford, Texas.
By Pablo Martinez Monsivais, AP

"That ad and every other ad" run by such groups have no place in the campaign, Bush said when asked about the commercial sponsored by Swift Boat Veterans For Truth that has roiled the race for the White House.

The group said it would not stop its new anti-Kerry ad, which will start running in three states this week.

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