Okay so where was I, yeah, I hung out on line to get the vibe - even though I donned the button: "I voted Early for John Kerry" - As I walked back to the Kerry tent a battle erupted. A kerchiefed hippie kid held an 8-foot long plywood board in the air in front of the Bush tent. It read, "1200 Americans Killed in Iraq. 10,000 wounded..." The Bush people went nuts. They wrestled with the guy. Swat team went into high gear. The kid was with the Kerry group, which of course was strategically placed four feet to their left.
The sign being eight feet long well, you get the idea. Meanwhile the chanting from the Military Trail drifted into the parking lot. A soaking wet sexy socialite in high heels approached the front door. "I don't have to vote. I just have to use the ladies room. Cops obliged. Doors opened. Line didn’t move. A five-year-old black girl stared in bewilderment at the whole nutty scene. It was in the words of the Sorkin's, a middle-age Jewish couple, "A real happening."