His new movie will be called "Sicko." AP: The idea for Sicko stems from a segment Moore did on his ’The Awful Truth’ TV show, in which he staged a
December 22, 2004

His new movie will be called "Sicko." AP:

The idea for Sicko stems from a segment Moore did on his ’The Awful Truth’ TV show, in which he staged a mock funeral at a health maintenance organization for a patient denied an organ transplant he needed to survive. The organization relented and paid for the transplant.

Moore, an Academy Award winner for Bowling for Columbine, said he would have plowed ahead with Sicko even if Fahrenheit 9/11 had not given him new commercial clout to raise money.
"I’ve never let that get in the way, anyway," Moore said. ``Even if this movie hadn’t done as well, that movie was going to get made, because I think the American people are clamouring to see the HMOs punished."

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