Joe Scarborough promised an interview with Mr. Williams, after blasting the conservative talk show host on his "Readl Deal" opening segment. Unfortunately, Armstrong-Gate himself was no where to be found:
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Joe: Do we still not have Armstrong Williams? OK, I guess Armstrong didn't like our Real Deal tonight because we booked him earlier this morning,... he was with us all day.. I guess he just got up and walked.
As Atrios pointed out, the right has been quiet on this pretty much. Today however, Jonah at NRO wants to make it into a racial thing by criticizing Steve Gilliard's post. SG responds to NRO here. Again Atrios explains the hypocrisy from Goldberg .
Why did AW-Gate disappear from the set? He is running to every talk show out there as fast as he can, except surprisingly Hannity& Colmes(I guess that Amber Frey interview was just too important), trying to justify his actions and save his career. Was it because Scarborough was so tough on him in his opening statement and he knew he couldn't sleaze his way out of it? Did he feel that SC didn't have a big enough audience? I checked the NY Post on-line and did a search but haven't found an article about the incident so far. Media Matters urges outlets to disqualify Mr. Williams from appearing in the media as an independent commentator.