The Rude Pundit makes his case here.
Has the movie helped desensitize so many people on the religious and moderate right to the horrors of torture that they cannot understand why democrats would ask Alberto Gonzalez to clarify his position on the memos? As I go to many right wing sites, there are ads posted to support Mr. Gonzalez for confirmation because he takes a "hard line on terrorism." Isn't that a veiled way of saying, Alberto is for torture so he's our man?
Here's the website:
"Alberto Gonzales is under fire for taking a tough stand against terrorists and terror suspects. The charges against Mr. Gonzales are trivial and baseless. Worse still, they are being driven by the extreme liberal wing of the Democrat Party. We need your help to support him. "We are sponsoring a petition drive to urge the United States Senate to ignore these partisan attacks and confirm Mr. Gonzales with all deliberate speed.
Please join our effort."
Does a person have to be an extremist in thinking that torturing detainees might be a bad idea?