function vid_placeholder(placeholder_target, vid_link) { placeholder_target.innerHTML = ''; } Attacks Kos! Click here to download or view WMP From
January 14, 2005

function vid_placeholder(placeholder_target, vid_link) { placeholder_target.innerHTML = ''; } Attacks Kos!

Click here to download or view WMP

From Talk Left:

On Bill O'Reilly now on Fox News. Unbelievable that this non-story has risen to the level of national cable talk shows.

O'Reilly gets it wrong, he says Kos was paid by Dean to blog nice things about Dean. Right wing blogger and radio host Hugh Hewitt is on by himself. He slams Kos and praises right wing bloggers like himself and Power Line and Captain's Quarters and Roger Simon and Instapundit (who I don't put in the same category) and says that none of them are on the take. Newsflash to Mr. Hewitt: Neither is Markos or Jerome.

Fair and balanced? Not tonight.

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