April 3, 2005

via CarpetBagger Report

In one sense, I should admire and treasure the few sincere Republican centrists left. They’ve largely been run out of their party on a rail, so perhaps it’d be wise to cut them considerable slack and support their efforts to drag their party back away from the right-wing fringe.

In truth, I’d like to. I’d enjoy seeing the Republican Party change from within, embrace moderation, cast off its radical elements, and re-join the American mainstream. But I can’t cut GOP centrists any slack because they’re just so inept in their efforts...read on

Steve sums up their plight nicely. If the centrists continually back Tom Delay and Bill Frist's and the Religious Elite's that have their tentacles firmly latched onto their backs, they will soon be marginalized out the door. There is much talk that Guiliani or McCain would win the nomination now, but with their moderate and liberal positions, one has to wonder how they could survive the primaries. As popular as the Terminator is, could he actually (if he were allowed) win the nomination? These superstars of the party are merely window dressing at this point. A foil to lure non-political people for their votes.

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