Global News Matrix, a non-partisan news source, has filed a Freedom of Information Act request to the following government entities regarding the Zacarias Moussaoui trial:
- United States Attorney General
- Central Intelligence Agency
- Department of Homeland Security
- Department of Justice
- Federal Bureau of Investigation
- National Security Agency
Global News Matrix has been and will continue to follow the guilty plea of Mr. Moussaoui for the terror attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001. Global News Matrix is officially taking the position that this plea is none other than a government ploy to assign blame.
Global News Matrix today sent out a six page FOIA request to the entities listed above. In the request Global News Matrix asked for answers to questions derived from review of the Government's indictment and statement of fact, a copy of which is attached to the FOIA request.
You can read Global News Matrix's request by clicking here. Stay tuned to this web site for further developments of the case and our request.
You Run Arnold, We Run Jennifer Yellow Dog Blog
While I'm reluctant to dismiss a Schwarzenegger candidacy based on his lack of qualification and intellect I mean, look at how George W. Bush manages to look like a genius to 50 million of our countrymen that constitutional amendment would allow Democrats to bring someone forward who would smoke Arnold at every turn.
Meet Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm. Granholm, one of the brightest stars on our Democratic horizon, is a naturalized citizen born in Canada. Like Schwarzenegger, the U.S. Constitution does not allow her to run for president.
Granholm is whip-smart, very quick on her feet and extremely popular in a must-win state for Democrats. In addition, presidential candidates can't get by on substance alone these days, must run for the office on television and be able to get into the average American's comfort zone. clicking here. Stay tuned to this web site for further developments of the case and our request.